Relaxing puzzle game that is never too tough. Helps you to think about a situation in a different light, and sends the message: your perspective is only one of many.
An intricate hidden object game which provides a quick and easy escape.
Dark/Demon’s Souls
You play as a "hero" that's tasked with relinking the flame, a cycle that prevents the world to delve into darkness. It provides a unique challenge full of extremely tough
Mass Effect / Dragon Age
I've always found games that translocate you and present you with a selection of behavioral responses tend to calm me through the introspection involved in selecting a choice - which
Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods presents some situations where ppl that have suffered from several mental illnesses (like me) will relate a lot, characters that have real problems, problems most of
Shenzen I/O
have found it very relaxing to try and solve the puzzles and rewarding when I do/trying to optimise them. the story as emails from your co-workers is very charming too.Nier: Automata
Nier touches on many themes - love, comradery, resilience - but most importantly, what it means to be human. The existentialism in the game is portrayed with delicacy and rare
Mini Metro
The minimal design is really great if you are easily overstimulated. You can focus on simple tasks that ramp up in complexity, it's almost zen in a way.
Life is Strange
The really strong part of LiS is the immersiveness, created by a god-tier soundtrack selection, good pacing and smart camera angles for the most part. Not the best writing ever,