A Guide to Coping Mechanisms as Described by Game Characters PART 3
This is Part 3 of 3. Part 1 | Part 2 If you struggle to cope, find yourself experiencing high levels of distress frequently, or compartmentalise emotions and actually
A Guide to Coping Mechanisms as Described by Game Characters PART 2
This is Part 2 of 3. Part 1 | Part 3 If you struggle to cope, find yourself experiencing high levels of distress frequently, or compartmentalise emotions and actually
A Guide to Coping Mechanisms as Described by Game Characters PART 1
This is Part 1 of 3. Part 2 | Part 3 What is a Defence Mechanism? Sometimes called “coping skills”, defence mechanisms are the psychological tactics we use to
Character Psychology: Joel, The Last of Us (Part 2)
Hello again! This is part of a character profile series being written to break down stigma and help game fans reach out. Today, we’ll be looking at Joel from Naughty
Character Psychology: Joel, The Last of Us (Part 1)
Hello all, to anyone unfamiliar with this site, I’m Dr Jennifer Hazel, a psychiatry physician and advocate for the use of technology in mental health care. I’m also a passionate
5 Times Breath Of The Wild Did Great Things For Mental Health
The Legend of Zelda has always been an innovative, forward thinking series. Each game for me inspired a new sense of wonder, and productively built on its predecessor to
Squall Leonhart – Final Fantasy VIII
Squaresoft Psychology Discussed: Defence Mechanisms Social Anxiety and Generalised Anxiety Attachment Theory Overcoming Personal Obstacles; Growth Pretty much every character in Final Fantasy VIII has an interesting experience
Cloud Strife – Final Fantasy VII
Squaresoft Psychology Discussed: Social Purpose Defence Mechanisms Dissociative States Personal Growth Cloud likely represented many people’s first encounter with a truly believable and fallible video game character. He begins